Active and Passive voice Kya Hai, Rules, Example, Full information in English.


Active and Passive voice Kya Hai, Rules, Exemple, Full information in English.

Active and Passive voice Kya Hai, Rules, Example

Active and Passive voice Kya Hai are two unique ways of organizing a sentence in English. The decision among Active and Passive voice relies upon the accentuation you need to put regarding the matter and the object of the sentence.

Active Voice:
In Active voice, the subject plays out the activity depicted by the action word, and the item gets the activity. The design of a functioning voice sentence is commonly:

Subject + Action word + Item


Active Voice: "John ate the apple."
In this model, "John" is the subject, "ate" is the action word, and "the apple" is the item. The subject "John" is playing out the activity of eating the apple.

Passive Voice:
In Passive voice, the object of the activity turns into the subject of the sentence, and the subject might be precluded or show up after the action word. The construction of a latent voice sentence is regularly:

Article (or Subject went before by "by") + Action word (in the past participle structure) + Subject (discretionary)


Passive Voice: "The apple was eaten by John."
In this model, "the apple" is the item that gets the activity, "was eaten" is the action word in the past participle structure, and "by John" shows who played out the activity. The accentuation is on the apple being eaten instead of on John playing out the activity.

The decision among Active and Passive voice relies upon the specific situation and the accentuation you need to convey. Dynamic voice is by and large more straightforward, clear, and liked generally speaking. In any case, uninvolved voice can be utilized to move the concentration to the article or when the subject is obscure, immaterial, or ought to be kept stowed away.